Joy Nicholson - Unleash Your Marketing
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Joy Nicholson Unleash Your Marketing
Joy Nicholson - Unleash Your Marketing
Joy Nicholson  Unleash Your Marketing

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Tips & Tricks to help you unleash the marketing in your business

Joy Nicholson - Unleash Your Marketing

Mastering Marketing Automation: The Essential 5-Step Guide to Boosting Efficiency and Driving Results

May 29, 20236 min read

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” –

Joe Chernov .”

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve remarkable success while others struggle to make progress?

After interviewing about 50 successful entrepreneurs (some that have made 10+ million), the secret really is where you spend your time.

Time management and discipline is the stepping stone to reaching financial freedom.

Personally, since I introduced systems in my business it helps me save time, I have levelled up.

You need to ask yourself where you spend time that can be improved. For me it was running around and integrating different softwares to run my business and also help my clients with their businesses.

Creating a marketing ecosystem is important in any business. And as much as it is important, you don’t need to spend hours a day doing it.

Being a small business owner, you might feel you are a hamster on a wheel just running around all day long but yet not achieving the outcomes in your business you would wish to achieve. I know how it is to get stuck in fulfilment mode. Constantly just focusing on orders, problem solving, accounting, staff etc.

The sad thing is that you don’t get enough time to generate leads and even sales to make more money to hire more people.

In this blog post I am going to help you to get more out of your business on a daily basis without it being YOU that does most of the work. The secret really is about automation.

And no you won’t need different softwares to run automation in your business. You need one software at one low monthly cost - more about that at the end of this article. Let’s dive into what automation you need.

Implementing automation in your marketing ecosystem can streamline your processes, save time, and improve overall efficiency. Here are the top five things you need to consider when automating your marketing:

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With that said, let's break down the top 5 tips:

1. Marketing Automation Software:

It is well worth it to Invest in a robust marketing automation platform that suits your business needs.

You need software that offers features like email marketing automation, lead nurturing, customer segmentation, campaign tracking, sales funnel / website builder, social media scheduling, text message scheduler and more. This is a pretty big list, and the tech can very quickly get overwhelming, but there is a software that offers everything you need (more on that at the end of this article).

2. Lead Generation and Capture:

Implement automated lead generation and capture strategies to build your customer base.

Landing pages is a great place to start. You provide something for free or a very low ticket in exchange for an email address.

For example, for me, my lead magnet in my business that provides leads every week and that is very helpful for any small business iis my avatar knowledge blueprint.

It used to be free but I made it a low ticket offer, so I know the Leads I get in are serious about their business.

Free or low ticket all depends on where you are at with your business.

Think of ways to solve a problem for your potential clients and provide them with a digital asset Like a ebook, or blueprint, or step by step guide.

Your prospect provides you with an email for the free thing you provide them.

To create this digital asset you can use Canva. Canva is super affordable and have heaps of templates.

You can also utilise tools like, pop-ups, surveys and even a mini Course to collect visitor information and automatically add leads to your marketing database.

This allows you to nurture them through targeted campaigns (also something that is on automation).

3. Email Marketing Automation:

Growing your email list is the ultimate secret to having a successful business.

Do you think Facebook bought Instagram for $1 Billion dollars because it can share photos? Or Google bought YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion dollars for the video capabilities?

Or Microsoft bought LinkedIn in 2016 for $26.2 billion for its professional networking platform?

It would have cost These giant companies less to develop it themselves. They acquire these smaller companies for their customer base. Their email list.

The sooner you set up email marketing automation to deliver personalised and timely messages to your leads and customers the better.

Use automation workflows to send welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, follow-up sequences, and other relevant communications based on user actions and preferences.

When you set your email sequence, make it fun, tell stories, make sure your headlines are very strong. So when that email lands in the email box, they're not going to just discard it or spam it or delete it.

It is important to build a relationship with your email readers.

You sell using your list by providing value and then casually add links to your products that you're offering in your email, and link your social media icons too.

The money is in the list…

4. Social Media Management Tools: how many platforms are you on?

If you are on more than one platform (and you should be) then you most definitely need to automate your social media. No one has time to sit and post everyday.

By automating social media, you can maintain a consistent online presence. The best approach is to have a social media management tool to plan and schedule posts in advance, engage with your audience, monitor social media conversations, and analyse performance metrics.

Again you can use canva to design or pay someone on Fiverr or Upwork to do it for you.

Last but not least is no 5…

5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration:

Integrate your marketing automation software with a CRM system to align your marketing and sales efforts seamlessly.

In today's fast-paced and customer-centric business landscape, having a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

It serves as the backbone of effective customer management and drives growth.

From managing all customer data, to effectively to assign and track tasks, set reminders, and automate workflows.

It is important because this integration enables you to track customer data, segment contacts based on behaviour and preferences, and automate lead handoff from marketing to sales.

It also provides a holistic view of your customers' journey.

More information about what a CRM is and also the software I use to manage my customer data:

Remember, while automation can significantly enhance your marketing efforts, it's crucial to have the right balance.

You still need to put a personal touch to your business. Don’t let your business fee robotic.

Reach out to fans personally on a regular basis, engage in social media posts and reply to emails if they reply to you.

Also remember to regularly review and optimise your automated processes to ensure they align with your business goals and deliver a positive user experience.

So what software do millions of people use to automate their marketing ecosystem?

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Find out more about it here:

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